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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Biologie Intern

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Past Agenda

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Sa. 2013-09-28H 14Studium: Absolventenfeier Biologie / Biochemie [Details]
Th. 2013-07-18 (17:00-18:30)H8, GEOBayCEER Colloquium: Multiple Stressoren in aquatischen Ökosystemen [Details]
Tu. 2013-07-16 (17:15)H12Molecular Biosciences: Molecular insights into mitophagy and mitochondrial quality control [Details]
We. 2013-06-05 (17:15)H15Talk: Biology Lecture [Details]
Fr. 2012-11-16 (10:00)Audimax und ÖBGForum for the Future: Water in a changing world [Details]
Th. 2012-10-11GeoWorkshop: BayCEER Workshop 2012 [Details]
Fr. 2012-06-15 (15:00-16:00)H13Studium: Infoveranst. (5. Sem.) Modulwahl WS2012/13 [Details]Olaf Stemmann
We. 2012-05-02 (18:15)H 13, NW IDie Rolle von Symbiosen in Ökologie und Evolution [Details]
We. 2012-05-02 (12:15)H12Studium: Infoveranstaltung MSc Biochemie & Molekulare Biologie [Details]
05/2012Team News: Prof. Dr. Gerrit Begemann [Details]
Mo. 2012-03-12-Fr. 2012-04-13Einschreibung BSc Biologie im Sommersemester [Details]
Fr. 2012-01-13 (14:15-15:00)H11Studium: Infoveranstaltung für Bachelor 5. Semester [Details]
Th. 2011-10-20 (17:00-18:30)BayCEER Colloquium: Ecologically important traits mediated by bacterial endosymbionts [Details]
08/2011Team News: Prof. Dr. Heike Feldhaar [Details]
08/2011Team News: Prof. Dr. Klaus Ersfeld [Details]
Sa. 2011-07-23 (09:00-17:00)Room S 23, GEOWorkshop: UN-CBD workshop [Details]Volker Audorff
Fr. 2011-07-15 (14:00-16:00)H 34, Gebäude AIWorkshop: Plenary Discussion: Complex Systems, Self-Organization, Emergent Phenomena [Details]
06/2011Studium: BSc/BEd Biologie - Wahl der Fachmodule [Details]
06/2011Studium: Pflichtmodul "Computergestützte Analysen in der Biologie" [Details]Alfons Weig
Fr. 2011-05-13-Sa. 2011-05-14UBTWorkshop: Workshop "Fit für den Beruf" [Details]
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