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Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Biologie Intern

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Past Agenda

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Tu. 2015-12-15 (17:15-18:15)BZMB Colloquium: Benedikt Westermann, Cell Biology, UBT [Details]
Th. 2015-12-10 (12:00-13:30)H6, GEOBayCEER Colloquium: Plant diversity on high-elevation islands – drivers of species richness and endemism [Details]
Th. 2015-12-03 (12:00-13:30)H6, GEOBayCEER Colloquium: Past and recent changes in European alpine plant diversity: increases, declines, stagnations and accelerations driven by climate change [Details]
Tu. 2015-12-01 (17:15-18:15)BZMB Colloquium: Gunter Meister, Univ. Regensburg [Details]
Th. 2015-11-26 (12:00-13:30)H6, GEOBayCEER Colloquium: Fungal community structure and function - from current knowledge towards predictability [Details]
Tu. 2015-11-24 (17:15-18:15)BZMB Colloquium: Angelika Mustroph, Plant Genetics, UBT
Th. 2015-11-12 (12:00-13:30)H6, GEOBayCEER Colloquium: Biodiversity effects on ecosystem stability following climate extremes [Details]
Tu. 2015-11-10 (17:15-18:15)BZMB Colloquium: Thomas Hofmann, DKFZ Heidelberg [Details]
Tu. 2015-11-03 (17:15-18:15)BZMB Colloquium: Rolf Thauer, MPI Terrestrial Microbiol., Marburg [Details]
We. 2015-10-28 (15:15-16:45)H36, NW IIIBayCEER Colloquium: What determines biological diversity? [Details]
Tu. 2015-10-27 (17:15-18:15)H12BZMB Colloquium: André Scheffel, MPI Mol. Plant Physiol. Potsdam [Details]
Tu. 2015-10-20 (17:15-18:15)BZMB Colloquium: Gregor Lang, Biomaterials, UBT [Details]
Th. 2015-10-15 (12:00-13:30)H6, GEOBayCEER Colloquium: Global change impacts on ecosystem functions – the importance of interactive effects [Details]
Sa. 2015-09-19 (15:00-19:00)Studium: Absage - Absolventenfeier Biologie/Biochemie [Details]
Tu. 2015-07-14 (17:15-18:00)H12BZMB Colloquium: Michael Schroda, TU Kaiserslautern [Details]
Tu. 2015-07-07 (17:15-18:00)H12BZMB Colloquium: Alfons Stams, Univ. of Wageningen [Details]
Tu. 2015-06-30 (17:15-18:00)H12BZMB Colloquium: Michael Weyand, Biochemie [Details]
Th. 2015-06-25 (12:00-13:30)H6, GeoBayCEER Colloquium: Plant responses to flooding stress [Details]
We. 2015-06-24 (17:00-18:00)H15Talk: Biology Lecture 2015 [Details]
Tu. 2015-06-23 (17:15-18:00)H12BZMB Colloquium: Raz Zarivach, Ben-Gurion University [Details]
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